Marcus Hiles, founder and CEO of Western Rim Properties, a multi-billion-dollar real estate company, emphasizes the importance of maintaining and increasing the impact of the environment and surrounding natural atmosphere within his developments. While on one hand this helps to beautify the luxury housing and apartment estates that he builds, Hiles also stresses the importance of balance within the environment itself.
Regarding the role of the environment in his development plans, Hiles states “Trees and vegetation play a key role in every Western Rim development […] This strategy extends beyond improving air quality and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. These plants can also minimize pollutants in storm water and reduce overall neighborhood noise. One healthy tree is equal to 10 standard room-sized air conditioners running up to 20 hours a day. Our trees provide much needed shade from the Texas heat and can help our renters reduce cooling needs by up to 30%.” While the aesthetics of the estates’ surroundings are important, so too is the need for energy conservation.
Aside from his own properties, Hiles also purchases and plants 2,500 trees every year to refurbish the environmental landscape; he has been responsible for the plantings of over 30,000 trees in the past decade. Hiles takes into account his company’s carbon footprint with each development project he begins.
Miles. Hiles sums up the importance of environment in his company’s plans by saying, “My goal is to continue increasing the tree canopy in all of our neighborhoods as well as create municipal parks, jogging trails, and reserves. Our commitment to proven ecological solutions grants our renters the optimal quality of life in a thriving community.”